Saturday, May 22, 2010

A note of encouragement

I received a message sent to me on facebook tonight that was so encouraging! It was from someone I do not know well, but he wrote to let me know how much of an encouragement I had been to him as he had watched me living life with Zach. He said he remembers when he first found out we had a son with Down Syndrome and how he had felt so sorry for us, but now he realizes what a blessing Zach is in our lives. He has gained this understanding mostly through my postings on facebook and through seeing one of the latest pictures of Zach I have posted...

This picture screams JOY to me!

Anyway, I was really encouraged that he would take the time to write the message that he did and I also am reminded tonight just how important it is to encourage one another. It says often in Scripture that we are to "encourage one another" but how often do we do that? How often do we take the time to let others know they have made a difference in our lives, inspired us in some way, or just let them know how valuable they are?
Thank you , Bill Giles, for reminding me of the importance of that tonight. I pray I will be able to do the same for someone this week. Your words encouraged me in a huge way.

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